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Install as Service on Windows. So if your service code uses system. The location of jvm. My test showed that worked best for me. Free forum by Nabble. procrun service manager

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One of jvmJava or exe.

procrun service manager

However some parameters can take multiple values - for example StartParams and JvmOptions. So I would like know what actually happens after procrun calls the stop class?

Please enter a title. Defines the service log filename prefix.

Install as Service on Windows · OrientDB Manual

Remove the service named 'TestService'. You can use the environment variable expansion here. Well for something like that procrun is not the toolkit to use. When using the Java or exe modes, the Procrun service application prunsrv launches the target application in a separate process. Java - same as exe, but automatically uses the default Java executable, i.

procrun service manager

The simplest one maanger System. Using my own main class and jconsole I have verified that the JVM arguments are identical in both cases and so are the system properties. Setting the context class loader to the class loader of org. I haven't used procrun JBoss AS 5.

procrun service manager

All works fine as long as the JVM is launched as a separate process java or exe mode. This content has been marked as final. ServerImpl cannot be cast to org. More complex involves either special process or method call which must cause main service to exit cleanly. Service type can be interactive to allow the service to interact with the desktop. But my testing is done when the app is not loaded with much work.

Class that will be used when receiving a Stop service signal. Therefore no need to give full path of the jar file. For example if the application is renamed as TestService. Did you examine the exact command line options passed to java. It is used only for StartMode java or exe and enables running applications as service under account without LogonAsService privilege. To interface with the Procrun service application prunsrv using the jvm mode, you need to create a class with the appropriate method s.

Since JBoss has a shutdown hook installed to do the clean-up, we can make use of System. Defines the logging level and can be either ErrorInfoWarn or Debug.

Aufgrund der leichten Manipulierbarkeit von E-Mails koennen wir keine Haftung fuer den Inhalt uebernehmen. Update the service named 'TestService'.

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In both cases, the event viewer showed errors related to prunsrv. Forums Downloads Projects Buzz. When using the jvm jvm. Parameters are separated using either or ; character.

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