Saturday, November 30, 2019


June 20th , Version 8. Dongle" when authentication is via a dongle. Changed the Graph Window so that the text, "Warning! Workspace Complex Group Definitions. Available at the following link, not viewable through Safari browsers: Export dialog now show stain names when possible Bug fixes: flowjo 9.7

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FlowJo will now rename duplicate parameter names in Dako files ; duplicate names led to a lot of different problems. Concatenating events from different bit data files e.

By default, the minimum number of events is 1 for most statistics or 2, for CV and SD. Upgrading from v9 Dongle: March 22ndVersion 9. Download FlowJo today and flow forward!

There is a new preference to choose rlowjo Pulse Area parameter as the default for new analyses, and new preferences to control the default modeling characteristics. Then, when you create a new layout, you can copy the Preference set for the desired view for that Layout.

New Features

March 16thVersion 9. Flodjo Window Graph windows now use the "ctrl-click" or click-and-wait to show a menu to change the graph attributes graph type, options, etc. Ancestry plots from Layout Editor are not clipped when copied and pasted into PowerPoint before ungrouping.

flowjo 9.7

This new version of the Mac OS supports Java 7 and higher. Reducing dimensions of an LE table rlowjo objects doesn't crash. Transformations computed on hardware-compensated data only apply to other files with same matrix Kinetics: The modeling algorithm has been improved to better find good fits.

Option clicking on the most recently-sorted column will invert the sort order Improvements to Compensation Wizard when determining flowio for controls Workspace contextual menu for gate nodes adds "Copy with children" and "Copy with ancestors" "Recalculate" menu commands renamed as "compute" for clarity Preference for precision display adds a radio button to discriminate significant figures from decimal digits Bug Fixes: A batched layout is now automatically defined to have the appropriate iterator and discriminator values; when you batch a layout over every sample and save it as a new layout, the new layout is automatically defined to iterate by "nth", where "n" is the number of tubes in the original batch.

flowjo 9.7

When sorting on keyword values, FlowJo looks to see whether a keyword value is numeric, alphabetic, or mixed, and sorts appropriately. Fixed crashing bug while attempting to quit with the Kinetics window still open. November 16thVersion 6. FlowJo now creates graphics as PDF format.

Download FlowJo | FlowJo, LLC

Your serial number will transfer and automatically authenticate all versions of v Error messages are improved when there is an error reading layouts or if there are too many events on the axis.

In the Table Editor, there are now contextual menus click and hold, or control-click, on table column definitions which allow you to modify a row: If multiple Samples were included, this would cause some samples to have incorrect names.

Updating v10 FlowJo Portal license: Boolean gates will immediately recalculate upon creation, if the Preferences are set for "immediate recalculate. In Layout Editor Tables that have a column for "Gate Name" -- for sample-level nodes, the sample name is shown instead of the text "Ungated.

FlowJo v9 Manual

Use the option-key when selecting "concatenate" from the menu. Fixed problems on Intel-Macs where older workspace files would "lose track" of sample files in some instances. Preferences reorganized a 'Platforms' preferences panel added The preference for copying the FCS Comment keyword into the workspace annotation was removed A new 97. clears all memorized auto-answers for confirmation dialog windows New preferences to define: Compensation Wizard will use your custom scatter gate if you have pre-defined one.

Contents in the SciBook do not change-therefore, if you change a gate, delete a sample, or make other modifications, the SciBook contents will not be modified.

Removed "Extended" attribute from menu items: The format of the workspace file has changed.

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